Dal 1991, per un paio anni lavoro come fotografa part-time e freelance per studi fotografici per set di spot e video musicali (Hennessy, Cinzano, Alberto dell'Orto).
Conseguita la maturità classica dal 93' lavoro a Londra come fotografa, designer e art director per diverse agenzie e case editrici, facendo esperienze che spaziano dalla corporate image all'advertising, dal direct marketing alla progettazione e al coordinamento di dipartimenti di produzione editoriali (Internet Today, Mac Power, Indian Food & Drink, NBA e Fiba magazines, Sky, American Express, Argos, Woolsworth, First Choice Holidays, Britannia Ferries e Which?) nel frattempo seguo corsi di video, sound production e grafica pubblicitaria. 

Tornata a Milano nel 2000, collaboro con varie agenzie e case editrici (SEC, Business Press, J&J Jesurum, Segno e Forma, McCann Erickson, Think Tank, Lombardi Associati, Ad Misura, Quadratum Editore, Hachette, Pisani Editore, Agepe) seguendo clienti come Philips, Lexmark, Obiettivo Lavoro, Haier, Italcementi, Radio Norba, Clifford Chance, Axe, Mentadent, Lysoform, Dove, Cif, Coccolino, Kodak, Packard Bell, Forza Italia, Rai, Sky, Ducati, Energizer, Milupa, Dermasol, Colours & Beauty e curo come art director l’immagine dell’Unione Italiana Vini.
Parallelamente, conseguo post diploma triennale di Grafica Pubblicitaria e perfeziono la mia formazione con il corso di laurea in Pubbliche Relazioni e Pubblicità presso lo IULM, conseguendo anche il master di art direction allo IED (oltre ad altri corsi di programmazione, web design, video, animazione e copywriting) e apro partita iva nel 2005.
Dal 2008 mi occupo in gran parte di Web Design, Video Editing, Copywriting, Digital Marketing.

From 1991, for a couple of years I work as a part-time photographer and freelance for photographic studios for sets of commercials and music videos (Hennessy, Cinzano, Alberto Dell'Orto).
Achieved the diploma in classical studies from 93' I work in London as a photographer, designer and art director for various agencies and publishers, making experiences ranging from corporate image to advertising, from direct marketing to magazine design and from layout to the coordination of editorial production departments (Internet Today, Mac Power, Indian Food & Drink, NBA and FIBA magazines, Sky, American Express, Argos, Woolsworth, First Choice Holidays, Britannia Ferries and Which?).
In the meantime I follow courses in video, sound production and graphic design.

Back in Milan in 2000, I collaborate with many agencies and publishers (SEC, Business Press, J&J Jesurum, Segno & Forma, McCann Erickson, Think Tank, Lombardi Associati, Ad Misura, Quadratum Editore, Hachette, Pisani Editore, Agepe) taking care of customers such as Philips, Lexmark, Obiettivo Lavoro, Haier, Italcementi, Radio Norba, Clifford Chance, Axe, Mentadent, Lysoform, Dove, Cif, Coccolino, Kodak, Packard Bell, Forza Italia, Rai, Sky, Ducati, Energizer, Milupa, Dermasol, Colours & Beauty and; as Art Director, I look after the image of the Italian Wine Union.

In the meantime, I achieve three-years post-diploma in Advertising Graphics and I refine my education with the degree course in Public Relations and Advertising at Iulm, also obtaining the master of Art Direction at IED (in addition to other courses of programming, web design, video, animation and copywriting); I open VAT in 2005.
Since 2008 I have been mainly involved in Web Design, Video making, Copywriting, Digital Marketing.

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